Friday, July 30, 2010

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Didn't do much else. Rose was not feeling very good so she did not want to go out anywhere. I'll have to make arrangements to go myself. Rose feels the affects of the hot weather a great deal, and I guess at 71 you don't feel like traipsing around with the tourists.

Sept 4/79 Tuesday
Dawn phoned this morning and offered to take us to the beach. Rose didn't want to go, so I was glad to get out of the apt. We went to a private beach which belongs to the police force. Dawn has a pass obtained through friends of hers. It was a nice little cove called

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at the beach. The water was very rough with a big surf. I got swamped by it a couple of times. We all had a nice relaxing time and got back to the apt. around 3 pm. Spent the evening watching T.V. and went early to bed.

Sept 3/79
Well here I have reached my 62 birthday to day. Feel pretty good too. When I look around me I am grateful to be in such good health. Losing [that ?] weight has made me feel [MS. illegible] much better. I went into town this morning after doing some washing. I took it to day at the laundromat. Bought a few souvenirs to take home.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

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Sat Sept 1
Didn't do very much to day. I went into town for a while. Did some shopping. Lazed around in the afternoon and evening. Still very sunny and hot in the high 80s. There has been no rain which the island is in need of.

Sun Sept 2/79
Went to the [Musmen ?] restaurant with Rose, Fred, Dawn, Keith and little Eric for a buffet lunch which was very nice. All kinds of salad, meats, roast beef, steak, kidney pie, and sea foods. I tried a little of everything [MS. illegible] two desserts are [truffle ?] and chocolate torte. There goes my diet. Later we swam

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salad with a peach dessert. The beef was real tender and cooked by the Princess Hotel. The [barbecue ?] was at the Bermudian beach club. We sat out on the terrace overlooking the beach. It was nice and cool with a [MS. illegible] breeze blowing.

Friday Aug 31/79 Friday Fred took us for a drive to Spanish Point, and pointed out interesting parts of the Island. We had lunch at the [Coves ?] Beach Club then took in the dolphin show at a natural pool called The Grotto. Friday night we went to the Moore club for a fish fry and played a game called Tombola which is like bingo only different.

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It was most interesting. I should like to go back there again and browse some more.

Thursday Aug 30/79
Dawn [MS. omitted] Keith's wife called this morning to take us to the beach. She had her little boy Eric with her. He is a very good looking little boy of 3 and [simply?] loves the water. We went to a little cove just west of Long Bay Beach. It was calm there and the water was quite warm. It was very hot around noon, so we left then came home. Thursday evening we went to the [Lion's ?] Club barbecue. We had steamboat roast beef and

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

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not have to worry about busses and things. The shops are crowded with [Americans ?] from two cruise ships docked on front street, the [MS. illegible] and [MS. missing]. Got back about 2 and spent the rest of the day and evening just getting cool and reading.

Wed Aug the 29/79 Day 3
Rose and I went out the Marine Museum this morning. This is down at Somerset where to old British Naval docks used to be. It is a very interesting area and I am glad to see it being restored to reveal some of its former glory. Some of the building [MS. illegible] dates back to the early [1700s ?]

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which is handy to the busses, ferry and everything, and just a short walk to the main shopping area. After supper I felt very tired and went to bed around 10. Had a good sleep in spite of the traffic.

Day 2 Aug 28 Tuesday Arose around 8. Rose is working to day, so I will browse around the stores. Rose is very nervous about me going out by myself. She thinks I'm going to get robbed or knocked down by a motor bike.

[In different-colored ink] Well I managed to survive the couple of hours in town. It was very hot. I browsed around the air-conditioned shops, bought some souvenirs and had lunch in town. It's nice to be able to walk around and